
   In case of a paid service or a service that requires registration, we will ask for
   a valid email address. Your email is not shared, sold, or rented to any person, 
   organization or entity; it is only used to validate end-user account.
   Please, also note that all information, including your email is encrypted at all 
   times; your email is never stored, read, and/or transmitted to application 
   functions in plain-text. 
   IP Address
   No tracking mechanism is in place. IP addresses are temporarily recorded for
   security purposes.

   Web Security Management
   This website is operating behind a service that balances HTTP traffic, and monitors
   health and security of network connections; this service keeps activity logs
   that include your IP address and other network attributes. All weblogs are kept for a
   a maximum of three years. Information in the weblogs is analyzed only for the purpose 
   of identifying offensive patterns. We are not concerned with the origin and/or location
   of IP addresses; even with that of the offenders. Our analysis is focused only on blocking 
   harmful requests. There is no other attribute in the analysis of weblogs that may include 
   your IP address.

terms of use   privacy